Jurnal Mipa

Efisiensi Kinerja Sistem IPAL RBC (Rotating Biological Contactor) Di Kelurahan Bontang Kuala, Kota Bontang Dalam Menurunkan Nilai Total Fecal coliform

Denis Resel1, Sudrajat2, Eko Kusumawati3

Email : resel.denis@yahoo.com


This study aims to determine the value of the total Fecal coliform in the reservoirs early, late and tub tanks WWTP RBC processed in Kuala Bontang village, town Bontang and compare it with the domestic waste water quality standard in the government regulation no. 82 in 2001. In addition, this study also aims to determine the precentage of the performance efficiency of the RBC unit for 5 consecutive weeks. This research is descriptive quantitative. Data obtained in the form of a total value of Fecal coliform were analyzed with a series of 5 tubes MPN method and the percentage of efficiency by calculating percent efficiency.

The results showed the total value of Fecal coliform in the domestic waste water, which dropped a very large before and after proscessing by RBC WWTP which is an average of 116.400 MPN/100 mL (before processing) and 4 MPN/100 mL (after processing). The percentage of the performance efficiency of the RBC unit also has a very high value in lowering total value of Fecal coliform in the amount of 99,98%. Based on research data, the work of RBC units in the village Bontang estuary, town Bontang in lowering the value of the total Fecal coliform considered very good so as to improve water quality     .

Kata Kunci : Keywords: Fecal coliform, Rotating Biological Contactor, Efficiency, Waste domestic

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